Plain Vanilla Options
Understanding options and how they work
Posted by David Wang on Febuary 20, 2023


In this post, we will be covering what a vanilla option is, the types of options, features of options, calculating the payoff of options, and some examples.

What is an Option

An option is a contract between two parties, that gives the holder the right, but not obligation, to buy/sell an underlying asset at a predetermined price within a certain timeframe.

A plain vanilla option is a type of option that has no special features or special terms.

Call vs Put Options

There are two types of vanilla options: call options and put options.

The holder(or buyer) of a call option has the right, but not obligation, to buy from the seller one unit of the asset for a predetermined pirce K, called the strike. For this right, the buyer pays C(t) at time t < T to the seller of the call.

The holder of a put option has the right, but not obligation, to sell from the seller one unit of the asset for a predetermined pirce K, called the strike. For this right, the buyer pays P(t) at time t < T to the seller of the put.

Both calls and puts have a predetermined expiration date T in the future, called the maturity, which puts a limit on the time the holder has to exercise the option.

European vs American Option

In, Out, and At the money

Let S(t) be the price of an underlying asset at time t and K be the predetermined price:

A call option is:

Similarly, a call option is said to expire ITM, OTM, or ATM at time T if S(T) > K, S(T) < K, or S(T) = K respectively.

A put option is:

Similarly, a put option is said to expire ITM, OTM, or ATM at time T if S(T) < K, S(T) > K, or S(T) = K respectively.

Calculating Payoff of a Vanilla Option

The payoff of a call option at maturity is:

\[C(T) = max(S(T) - K, 0) = \begin{cases} S(T) - K & \text{if } S(T) > K \\ 0 & \text{if } S(T) \le K \\ \end{cases}\]

The payoff of a put option at maturity is:

\[C(T) = max(S(T) - K, 0) = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } S(T) \ge K \\ S(T) - K & \text{if } S(T) < K \\ \end{cases}\]
